A question that comes to most of our minds when the wintry roads are glazed with ice, snow, slush, and salt, is – How in the world do professional drivers keep the truck and trailer on the road and out of the ditch day in and day out?
We know it’s not an easy task all year round, especially with our blustery midwestern winters, but it’s a standard we hold our fleet to, and when it’s accomplished, it’s rewarded.
At CTS, we use dash cameras in our trucks that are inward and outward facing to help both coach and keep our drivers and roadways safe. Every year, we show our appreciation with bonus raffles to drivers for going much – or all – of the year without any recordable, coachable events on the dash cams. CTS is proud to have 76 drivers eligible for $6000 in incentives.
Congratulations to Bernie, John, and Paul the lucky winners of the DriveCam Bonuses for 2020!
As a reminder, here’s a few things to keep in mind while driving on the roads as winter lingers:
-Give extra space between you and other drivers
-Never use cruise control on icy or snowy roads
-Completely defrost your front and back windows before driving
CDL Drivers
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